Nourishing Your Sacral Chakra with Restorative Yoga and Vibrant Foods with Kathrin Williams and Tabatha White

Nourishing Your Sacral Chakra with Restorative Yoga and Vibrant Foods with Kathrin Williams and Tabatha White

Join us for an enlightening exploration into the world of energy centers and culinary delights! In this workshop, we’ll delve into the Sacral Chakra, the vibrant hub of creativity, passion, and emotional connection.

What to Expect:

 Colorful bites: Discover how orange resonates with the Sacral Chakra. We’ll explore a palette of orange foods—that ignite your inner fire. Restorative Yoga: Immerse yourself in gentle, nurturing poses designed to align with the Sacral Chakra. Restorative yoga promotes relaxation, relieves tension, and enhances overall well-being. As you sink into each pose, supported by props like bolsters and blankets, you’ll find stillness and inner peace.

Mindful Eating: Learn how savoring each bite can enhance your energy flow. We’ll discuss mindful practices that elevate your dining experience.

Journaling Journey: As we explore the Sacral Chakra, we’ll also invite you to pick up your journal. Through expressive writing, you’ll deepen your connection with yourself, explore your creativity, and tap into the wellspring of emotions. 

Why It Matters: Balancing the Sacral Chakra empowers you to express your authentic self, ignite your passions, and embrace pleasure. Whether you’re a seasoned foodie or a curious soul, this workshop promises insights, recipes, and a dash of magic.

*Before purchasing, workshops are non-refundable past 24 hour notice. Prior to 48 hours notice a 30-40% (depending on the host) credit for a future workshop will be given.

*Please note the day before the event, we will send an email reminder with pertinent logistical details about the workshop. Please ensure that you are submitting a working email address upon purchase of the ticket so that we can reach you.

*Image release: We like to document the workshops with photos and video so there may be images of you that appear on some of our promotions. Please contact us if you do not consent to be featured.

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Menarche Reclamation Ceremony 

Menarche Reclamation Ceremony 

Menarche Reclamation Ceremony

Women - Do you remember your first period? What was your experience like?

For many women, their menarche (first menstrual cycle) was not honored and celebrated as the sacred rite of passage that it is. And this first experience impacts the relationship to our cycles, menstruation, womanhood, self image, as well as internal narratives, beliefs, emotions and more.

Were you celebrated, supported and informed? Or was it just another day and not really acknowledged? Have you considered that your relationship to your menstrual cycle could be linked to menstrual pain and menstrual challenges you may be experiencing?

It’s never too late to reclaim your first menarche experience.

It’s never too late to get curious about how this rite of passage has shaped you.

It’s never too late to celebrate and honor that sacred rite of passage.

It’s never too late to rewrite old stories.

You have the power to shift the relationship with yourself moving forward as well as the experience for your daughter(s) and future generations.

Where to begin?

Join me for a Menarche Reclamation Ceremony

What is a Menarche Reclamation Ceremony?

A gathering with other sisters to acknowledge, honor and bring reverence to your first bleed in ways it may have not been celebrated and acknowledged. A space to be curious about how your initiation into womanhood has shaped you.

This ceremony is for you if you would like to:

Reclaim your first menache experience in a ceremony with other women to invite in transformation (even if you don’t remember your first bleed)

Release disempowering stories and rewrite upgraded ones that align with owning your power

Deepen the connection to self

Invite in healing to shift the experience for your daughter(s) and what it means to be initiated into womanhood

Be seen, heard, held and witnessed in sacred space by other sisters on a similar path that want to be part of shifting the experience for young girls and future generations.

What to expect/how to prepare:

Writing prompts - bring a journal and pen

Creative expression through art (no artistic skills needed) - blank paper and colored pencils will be provided

Sharing, movement and singing will all be invited into the experience (no singing experience needed)

Wear red - anything with red or reddish - even if a scarf - doesn’t have to be a piece of clothing, can be an accessory.

Suggested reading: Wild Power - Discover the Magic of Your Menstrual Cycle and Awaken the Feminine Path to Power by Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer - this book is only a suggestion and not necessary to sign up.

$55, 15 people max

A sliding scale is an option, $25 minimum as an exchange only for those who are not able to afford the monetary exchange for this ceremony.

If you have any questions, please reach email Raquel:

*Please note the day before the event, we will send an email reminder with pertinent logistical details about the workshop. Please ensure that you are submitting a working email address upon purchase of the ticket so that we can reach you.

*Image release: We like to document the workshops with photos and video so there may be images of you that appear on some of our promotions. Please contact us if you do not consent to be featured.

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A New cycle for summer: a day retreat wtih Jenn Falk

A New cycle for summer: a day retreat wtih Jenn Falk

About a week after the Solstice, join Jenn for a day to bring intention to your Summer season with joyful movement, connection, and group inspiration in the gorgeous setting of Essex, MA.

The Estuary is a wellness collective on the marsh with a lovely shop, nature trails, and a beautiful barn to practice our Yoga/Mindfulness in.

Jenn's passion for flowing with the Moon phases will be infused in the day with 2 movement practices and a short lunar phase conversation post-lunch. The group will also have free time to explore the Estuary and its surrounding.

A delicious picnic lunch will be provided. 


9:45 arrivals + welcome 

10:00-11:30am Jenn's lunar love flow style mindful movement/yoga class

11:30am-1:00pm: Picnic style lunch provided. Followed by: free time for digestion with tea, strolling the nature trail by the marsh,  journal time, or shopping in the retail area at The Estuary. 

1:00-1:45pm: Overview of Living with the Lunar Cycles - using the lunar/seasonal wheel to support your life 

1:45-2:45: short Yin practice into a resting Yoga Nidra session

2:45-3:00pm: Closing ritual for the coming Summer season ahead, departures

Limited to 8-10 people. Open to all genders, ages 13+ 

Bio:  Jenn Falk is a Yoga+Mindful Movement educator with 18 years of teaching experience and 25 years of practice. She currently teaches mindful movement + coaches youth sports to kids and teens at a Cambridge independent school. She continues to teach yoga to all ages with freelance class offerings in the Somerville/Cambridge area, and to offer retreats when possible. Jenn is married, and has two boys and two pups in Somerville. For more information: and @jennpfalk on instagram

*Before purchasing, workshops are non-refundable past 24 hour notice. Prior to 48 hours notice a 30-40% (depending on the host) credit for a future workshop will be given.

*Please note the day before the event, we will send an email reminder with pertinent logistical details about the workshop. Please ensure that you are submitting a working email address upon purchase of the ticket so that we can reach you.

*Image release: We like to document the workshops with photos and video so there may be images of you that appear on some of our promotions. Please contact us if you do not consent to be featured.

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May Flowers Event

May Flowers Event

Join us at The Estuary May 5th for a fun pop up event. We will have professional mini photo sessions, permananet jewelry, beauty products, local shrubs, bang trims & braids, sound healing music, flowers, local essential oils, vintage goods, and much more.

Join us! Plenty of parking in our lot or on the street.

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Spring Breathwork:  Renew Your Energy & EXperience Self-Healing with Stephanie Read

Spring Breathwork: Renew Your Energy & EXperience Self-Healing with Stephanie Read

Breathwork is a deeply healing and sacred practice. It engages the body’s energy systems to remove blocks and connect you to your emotional center, your creativity, your intuition, and your heart. By breaking through these energetic blocks, the body’s inherent ability to release stuck energy and heal itself is stimulated. Combined with the gentle universal energy of reiki, you'll leave this experience with a total energy reset.

Many people develop a home practice after their first experience. You’ll experience a full guided Breathwork Journey that utilizes a cosmic playlist, essential oils, and other tools to support your individual experience. While intense sensations or emotions may arise ultimately there is a clarity and closeness to self that rises to support you. Attendees who opt in will receive reiki during the session. The breath holds the agenda.

Some of the benefits of breathwork are:

• Renewed energy and clarity

• Deeper connection to self, guides, ancestors, the natural world, and Spirit

• Releases stuck energy in the body, healing is stimulated

• Turn yourself on to experience greater creativity, expression, and power

• Heightened intuition and receptivity

• Decreased anxiety, frustration, overwhelm, depression, and confusion Participants are encouraged to bring a yoga mat and blanket.

*Before purchasing, workshops are non-refundable past 24 hour notice. Prior to 48 hours notice a 30-40% (depending on the host) credit for a future workshop will be given.

*Please note the day before the event, we will send an email reminder with pertinent logistical details about the workshop. Please ensure that you are submitting a working email address upon purchase of the ticket so that we can reach you.

*Image release: We like to document the workshops with photos and video so there may be images of you that appear on some of our promotions. Please contact us if you do not consent to be featured.

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 Human Design: Listening to your Inner Knowing, Making Decisions & Being in Flow with Jess Della Calce

 Human Design: Listening to your Inner Knowing, Making Decisions & Being in Flow with Jess Della Calce

Join Jess for an intimate Human Design workshop. Exploring your design is a playful way to learn more about your decision making style and strengthen your connection with your inner wisdom. It can feel like giving yourself a permission slip to be more you– like the weight of trying to do something the “right” way is lifted and you can breathe in new possibilities!

This gathering is for you if you are new to Human Design or if you have explored and are interested in deepening your knowledge.

Please Note: Bring a journal, pen and your birth info (date, time and place). The workshop will include reflection questions unique to your design.

*Before purchasing, workshops are non-refundable past 24 hour notice. Prior to 48 hours notice a 30-40% (depending on the host) credit for a future workshop will be given.

*Please note the day before the event, we will send an email reminder with pertinent logistical details about the workshop. Please ensure that you are submitting a working email address upon purchase of the ticket so that we can reach you.

*Image release: We like to document the workshops with photos and video so there may be images of you that appear on some of our promotions. Please contact us if you do not consent to be featured.

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Medicine Woman:  Herbal class with stephanie parsons

Medicine Woman: Herbal class with stephanie parsons

Medicine Woman: a condensed class that will equip you with the knowledge and tools to become your family's own herbalist. If you lean towards hoisitic and natural solutions for home and health, this workshop is made for you.  You'll be introduced to a variety of safe and approachable herbs and then guided in the craft of alchemizing them into home remedies for colds, coughs, allergies, menstrual wellness, insomnia, gut health and more.  We'll start with the basics and grow from there.  Each student will have the chance to taste what we make and leave with samples of herbs and an information packet for future reference. 

*Before purchasing, workshops are non-refundable past 24 hour notice. Prior to 48 hours notice a 30-40% (depending on the host) credit for a future workshop will be given.

*Please note the day before the event, we will send an email reminder with pertinent logistical details about the workshop. Please ensure that you are submitting a working email address upon purchase of the ticket so that we can reach you.

*Image release: We like to document the workshops with photos and video so there may be images of you that appear on some of our promotions. Please contact us if you do not consent to be featured.

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Reiki Infused Movement & Sound Bath

Reiki Infused Movement & Sound Bath

Experience the ultimate fusion of movement and mindfulness with this exclusive session led by Allison Meyer. Begin your journey with 30 minutes of gentle, flowing movements carefully curated to rejuvenate your body and awaken your senses. After nourishing your body with movement, immerse yourself in a profound state of relaxation with a 60-minute sound bath featuring the ethereal tones of crystal singing bowls. Allow the soothing vibrations to wash over you, melting away tension and transporting you to a state of deep serenity.

Join us for an unforgettable experience that will leave you feeling centered, rejuvenated and aligned in mind, body and spirit.

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Not Your Mama's Menopause Workshop with Jennifer Redmond

Not Your Mama's Menopause Workshop with Jennifer Redmond

Not Your Mama's Menopause Workshop You’re probably unprepared for perimenopause because you’re not informed. And that’s not your fault. It’s time to flip the script on perimenopause, become empowered, and learn how to thrive.

Gather with other women in this season of life to learn:

·         What peri/menopause is and why you don’t need to fear it

·         Common peri/menopause symptoms & how to manage them

·         Why nutrition matters and top tips for eating for hormonal health

·         How to support your cycle now to benefit your hormones later   A workbook will be provided.  

Hosted by Jennifer Redmond, certified hormonal health educator, graduate of the Women’s Functional and Integrative Medicine Professional Training Program and certified integrative nutrition coach.

* Workshops are non-refundable past 24 hours notice due to being able to accommodate our waitlist in a timely fashion as well as giving the host time to plan. Prior to 48 hours notice a 30-40% (depending on host) credit for future workshops will be given

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New Moon Solar Eclipse Reiki Cirlce with Keri Glidden & Sheila Lanigan

New Moon Solar Eclipse Reiki Cirlce with Keri Glidden & Sheila Lanigan

Join Keri Glidden and Sheila Lanigan on Sunday, April 7th for a morning of restoration and connection. We will welcome the new moon and explore how to harness the power it brings, Dive deep into understanding the solar eclipse and what it means to you.

This 90-minute experience will include sipping tea, a tarot pull, intention setting, and so much more. Arrive dressed as your most comfortable self, where you step into our magical barn by the marsh, at the Estuary. After setting your intentions you will be guided into a state of relaxation with Sheila followed by a sound healing journey with Keri. During the sound healing, Sheila will move about the space to deliver reiki individually (unless you prefer otherwise!). This is a wonderful opportunity for those who are reiki or sound curious to dip their toes slowly, and with intention.

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Spiritual Connection in Grief:  Signs leading us to inner peace & joy with Charlotte Gibson

Spiritual Connection in Grief: Signs leading us to inner peace & joy with Charlotte Gibson

Join Charlotte Gibson to discuss how connection in grief can be your road to healing. Charlotte will hold space for intimate conversation and connection around continuing our relationships with our loved ones after they have died. Connecting to our heart with angels allows us to see and feel how our loved ones speak to us through signs. We just forget to ask and sometimes are moving too quickly to see. Let’s slow down together, share stories and create community connection to give our hearts space to live every day with our loved ones.

If you are someone who has NOT had a loved one die and are curious please come. Grief and connecting to our angels is not just limited to direct loss. It is so much bigger we all have angels, come learn how to connect and access. As small signs lead to playful manifesting which can be so fun. Charlotte has many cool stories that have helped her connection and healing process and she can’t wait to share with you so you can experience it too. Guaranteed to make you smile, cry, laugh and tap into your inner knowing because no one else needs to know JUST YOU!

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Sacred Sister Song Circle

Sacred Sister Song Circle

Come gather with other woman to open your throat chakra and strengthen your voice through song. Using your voice through song and speaking your truth is powerful. The vocal cords are muscles - the more you use them the stronger they become.   Your voice is beautiful and unique - this is the space to use it and let it be heard!  Movement will be invited in as well. 

The flow:

• Opening circle

  • Group sing (and movement) - empowering songs, incantations, chants

• Shares

 • Closing circle You’re invited to bring your drum, rattles, singing bowl, shakers or whatever you use to create sacred sound. 

Please note that this is not a voice lesson - Raquel has no formal voice training, she has a passion for facilitating sacred sister circles and ceremony.

"Rise sister rise, rise sister rise, rise sister rise, rise sister rise, rise for you,  rise for me,  when you rise first,  you rise for she" -song by Rebecca Campbell, Amy Firth

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Spring Equinox Movement Exploration for Self Care with Miranda Cox

Spring Equinox Movement Exploration for Self Care with Miranda Cox

Sunday the 17th is the last sunday before our unlocking into the Spring Equinox on the 19th. Come welcome the beginning of spring at the Estuary Barn with a reiki-infused movement workshop. This is open to all who move, which is all of us! No experience is required in this movement exploration.

Miranda has a background in professional dance and clinical mental health counseling with an emphasis on dance movement therapy. This workshop explores the therapeutic benefits that dance and movement offer us. We have been dancing since the beginning of time, so why only save it for the dance floor?

Miranda will guide us through an intentional warm and protect the space through reiki. Then Miranda and her curated playlist will lead us to explore movement in our body from small and large, wide and long, up, down, and diagonally.

Come with an open heart and mind, comfortable clothing, and a journal for some internal reflection and verbal processing. We hope that you can welcome in the Spring season feeling ready, grounded, and open.

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Skakti Trance Gathering

Skakti Trance Gathering

Join us for a unique healing experience through the powerful and beautiful energy of Shakti Trance Healing with certified Medium Gurdeep Bhogal.

The evening will be guided by Shakti, the dynamic Force of creation aka the Divine Goddess, and you’ll see how Gurdeep, uses breath and music to alter her state of consciousness so that she may deeply blend with her Spirit Guides / the Deity and move into a Trance state.

In this deep Trance Mediumistic connection, Gurdeep brings forward intensified healing energy, direct from Shakti/Spirit.

The vibration of Shakti which emanates during the Trance focuses on different aspects of healing: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Shakti forms ancient Indian Yogic Mudras (hand gestures) to focus and direct the healing energy connecting to the Tantric Yantra form. On occasion, Spirit may use Gurdeep’s voice to bring forth words of philosophy, inspiration, and guidance; the vibration of voice is always healing.

As a participant in this Shakti Trance gathering you may experience a variety of things from the physical, mental, emotional and Spirit bodies. You may feel physical sensations in your own body; some feel heat, coolness or tingling. You might experience colors or sound. You may feel the atmosphere in your space change: the air could become dense, you might feel heaviness in the body or a mild trance-like state. Healing activation always takes place, and upliftment, empowerment and awakening can also occur.

This is a truly unique experience which hi-lights the power of Shakti / Spirit and the various aspects and applications of Trance Mediumship.

Learn more about Gurdeep at

*Please note, Gurdeep is not a medical professional and signing up to this event does not guarantee that an ailment will be healed. By signing up for this event you give your consent to take part and waive liability on the part of Gurdeep Bhogal. The class will be recorded and made available the next day.

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Sound Bath:  Full moon restoration & release with Lauren Aloisio- The energy nurse

Sound Bath: Full moon restoration & release with Lauren Aloisio- The energy nurse

Join Lauren Aloisio, The Energy Nurse for an evening of restoration and release under the potent energy of the Full Moon. 

The evening begins with connecting together in community and discussing the current energy of the cosmos. Optional journal prompts will be given prior to laying down and getting cozy to receive a reiki infused sound journey.

Reiki and sound is a non-invasive energy healing practice that helps the body to heal at a cellular level, reduce stress, relieve tension, lift our mood and ease anxiety. 

Participants are encouraged to bring anything to maximize their comfort laying down (think...cozy sleepover! yoga mat, blanket, pillow, eye mask ect.)

As you immerse into a soundscape of gongs, crystal bowls and more, prepare to release anything unaligned and return to a state of balance. 

Past participants report feeling powerful shifts in the next lunar cycle ahead.

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Breathwork:  Experience Dynamic Self-Healing & Unlock Your Energy

Breathwork: Experience Dynamic Self-Healing & Unlock Your Energy

Breathwork Workshop: Experience Dynamic Self-Healing & Unlock Your Energy

Breathwork is a deeply healing and sacred practice. It engages the body’s energy systems to remove blocks and connect you to your emotional center, your creativity, your intuition, and your heart. By breaking through these energetic blocks, the body’s inherent ability to release stuck energy and heal itself is stimulated. Combined with the gentle universal energy of reiki, you'll leave this experience with a total energy reset. Many people develop a home practice after their first experience.

You’ll experience a full guided Breathwork Journey that utilizes a cosmic playlist, essential oils, and other tools to support your individual experience. While intense sensations or emotions may arise ultimately there is a clarity and closeness to self that rises to support you. Attendees who opt in will receive reiki during the session. The breath holds the agenda.

Some of the benefits of breathwork are:

Renewed energy and clarity

Deeper connection to self, guides, ancestors, the natural world, and Spirit

Releases stuck energy in the body, healing is stimulated

Access to greater creativity and expression

Heightened intuition and receptivity

Decreased anxiety, frustration, overwhelm, depression, and confusion

Participants are encouraged to bring a yoga mat and blanket.

Cost: $60

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Creating Love:  a Children's Handwork & Puppetry Valentines Experience with Lana Ivy

Creating Love: a Children's Handwork & Puppetry Valentines Experience with Lana Ivy

Come join Moon and Stars Puppetry for another puppetry and crafting workshop! In this child-and-family workshop, we'll embrace the love-filled magic of Valentine's Day. Using hand crafted wool puppets, Lana will present a puppet show of a special story called "A Million Valentines," a beautiful story about a wee little man named Papa Giorgio who makes a Valentine’s meal of shiny black sunflower seeds for the goldfinches in his woods. The birds are so grateful to find such a generous feast on such a cold winter day that they leave him their own valentine.

The children will get to wet-felt a valentine's bird and each will get to take a heart shaped bird seed cake to offer to the birds at home. This workshop is appropriate for children within the ages of 3 1/2-7 years old.

*this is not a drop-off event. Parent/ Guardian must stay with child.

*Ticket includes admission for ONE adult and ONE child due to space.

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The Offering, a Tea Ceremony with Meggie Woodruff

The Offering, a Tea Ceremony with Meggie Woodruff

All of us have a story with tea...drinking a warm cup of tea in the morning to start your day or to wind down at night. Tea has always been comforting and a source of stability, something we turn to to soothe ourselves or to connect with others. Although tea is commonplace in our lives, over the years we have forgotten its magic and its role as a spirit medicine. Tea ceremony is a practice that allows us to connect with the spirit of tea - it is a practice of reverence for this plant medicine.

Drinking tea in a ceremonial way is an earth-based practice and a moving meditation. As we sip the medicine from the tea plant, Camelia Sinensis, we are able to connect to the earth and to our own true nature. Returning to what tea is meant to be.

The ceremony will be in silence, with the exception of a curated playlist. You will be served between 4-6 bowls of tea. Afterwards there will be time for sharing, reflection and connection as a group. Whatever you experience during the ceremony is welcome - some people may experience emotional releases, bodily sensations, a peaceful mind, or wandering thoughts. I invite you to trust wherever the tea wants to take you with a sense of curiosity and openness. What if nothing happened? What would that feel like too?

Once the ceremony begins, everything is perfect. There's nothing you need to know, be, or do in order to participate in this ceremony.

Space is limited to 7 people.

A few days prior to the ceremony, additional information will be sent on how to prepare your body, mind and spirit for this experience.

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Seasons of the Menstrual Cycle & Cycle Wheel Making with wild woman birthkeepers

Seasons of the Menstrual Cycle & Cycle Wheel Making with wild woman birthkeepers

Seasons of the Menstrual Cycle & Cycle Wheel Making

Join Wild Woman Birthkeepers to learn about the seasons of your menstrual cycle, cycle alignment, and make your own seasonal cycle wheel to take home.

We will sit in circle, hugging cups of herbal tea, and (re)learn the physiology of the menstrual cycle and how the phases of your body align with the four seasons and the four female archetypes: Maiden, Mother, Sorceress and Crone. What many of us experience as adverse effects of our menstrual cycles is actually a lack of knowledge and misalignment with the natural functioning of our bodies. Do you rest when you bleed? Are you aware of when you ovulate? Learn the best foods to eat, and ritual practices to incorporate at each stage of your cycle. Allow your menstruation to transform from hassle to honor.

We'll finish by crafting Seasonal Cycle Wheels, which you can hang in your home or keep on an altar. These wheels allow you to track your menstrual cycle and help keep you (and your household) in alignment with your body's inherent rhythm. Health is about you knowing your body best, and Wild Woman Birthkeepers is passionate about bringing body literacy and reproductive sovereignty to every woman.

All supplies and snacks provided.

Wild Woman Birthkeepers is a dynamic duo of radical women's health practitioners, Nadia and Noli. We gather local, monthly women's circles, teach classes in female body literacy, and offer homebirth education and support. Wild Woman Birthkeepers is based in Arlington, MA. Find us at www.wildwomanbirthkeepers.comand @wildwomanbirthkeepers on Instagram.

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Winter Waldorf Warmth

Winter Waldorf Warmth

Please join us for a morning of warmth, Waldorf Handwork and magic in nature on December 28, 2023 from 9 AM until 1 PM at The Estuary.

After coming together in circle and song, Waldorf teacher and Founder of “The Alchemy Kids,” Miss Jenny, will lead the children on a wintry walk, through an enchanted forest, where they will, at last, return back to the barn for some warm tea, a shared snack, and story.

Next, the children’s skillful hands will bring a little gnome friend to life, through a beloved Waldorf Handwork activity, that will complement any winter nature table, or provide endless enchantment to a child’s free play.

As a group, Miss Jenny and the children will head back outside, again — this time, to forage materials from the outdoors, to create a lovely village of small homes for our little gnomes to take up residence.

*Please send your child with full outdoor gear, for that day’s weather, and please let us know if your child has any dietary restrictions. Snack will include a variety of herbal teas, fresh baked bread, cheese and fruit.

Ages 4-10 years old. $125 [includes community snack and crafting materials.]

Miss Jenny’s company “The Alchemy Kids” creates products, resources, and curriculum, in the Waldorf tradition, so that more families can access this exceptional education.

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Solstice Cacao Ceremony with Maggie Battista

Solstice Cacao Ceremony with Maggie Battista

Maggie Battista is a storyteller, mentor & soul voice guide.

In this two-hour Solstice Cacao Circle, Maggie will guide you through an experience of softness, connection, and remembrance. You will hear vital messages from your soul to allow your next best steps to surface in time for a new calendar year.

During this intimate circle, we will commune with the heart of the earth, our ancestors, one another, and a ceremonial dosage of the medicine of the great grandmother, or sacred Guatemalan Cacao harvested and processed in the heart of the Mayan headquarters.

Maggie has learned how to prepare Ceremonial Cacao from Mayan elders. In addition, you will enjoy the Ceremonial Cacao in ceramic cups made by and infused with Maggie’s Tijax energy, the sacred energy of the warrior-healer that she carries in this lifetime.

Maggie will host the ceremony as guided by her own ancestors, who offered her the order of the program. She will also listen closely for any real time guidance to ensure we all feel welcome to explore emotions, receive messages, and allow our individual/collective expansion.

Come dressed comfortably for circle, with a journal and writing instrument. The program will include cleansing, breathing, meditating, and journaling. Though the barn space will be designed for coziness, you are encouraged to bring a yoga mat, blanket, and meditation pillow.

Be aware that under certain circumstances, you’ll be offered a smaller dosage of Cacao. Please notify Maggie in advance through The Estuary if you are taking antidepressants, blood pressure medication, chemotherapy, or are pregnant.

Learn more about Maggie here:

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Feminine Ways to Thrive Through the Holiday Season; Create the magic for yourself

Feminine Ways to Thrive Through the Holiday Season; Create the magic for yourself

Take a break from the holiday to-do's and put yourself on the list.  In theory you probably know you should be filling your own cup first... but do you? And if you do, are you filling it with the most potent element that already resides in you?

Welcome to the power of pleasure; we're talking mostly OUT of the bedroom pleasure, but we are talking about what turns you on from within.  In our patriarchal world we've been disconnected from the elements that we, as women, truly NEED to thrive in.  

Come join us in a workshop to explore why we resist what lights us up, how to get more of it, and where's the most bang for our buck.  Discover the ways you've been shutting yourself down to the most life giving qualities, and discover how you can find more joy in this holiday season and beyond. 

Join Sacred Pleasure and Feminine Embodiment Coach Alison Grace for a pleasure-filled workshop on Sunday 12/10. You can expect shared information, group discussion, and embodiment practices;  all held in a sacred container. $55

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Wreath Workshop & Footsie Soak

Wreath Workshop & Footsie Soak

Join Amy Sadler of Luna Moss for a Wreath class & foot soak

In this wreath workshop we will immerse ourselves into nature's gifts at hand. Amy will give a brief demonstration of the basics for making your unique wreath. Then together, we'll each create our own wreath to take home. At the end of class we will rest our feet for evening with a floral herbal foot soak.

Throughout the class, we'll cover the fundamentals of preparation, composition, and care, Amy will help guide you when needed.

The class fee includes a brief demo and all necessary materials including a 12" grapevine base, flora materials, and wire.

Registration is limited, and participants of all levels are welcome. We offer a sliding scale for the class fee, providing accessibility to all individuals. Please consider selecting a fee with integrity and intention, prioritizing BIPOC, the queer community, and marginalized individuals who seek new resources.

We are thrilled to host our inaugural flower class in the Luna Circle in Essex MA and look forward to welcoming you.

No experience needed. All material included. Warm botanical drinks or bubbles included.

tickets $135

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The Self: Led by Today with Tamara & Georgeane Coleman of “in the moment yoga and wellness”

The Self: Led by Today with Tamara & Georgeane Coleman of “in the moment yoga and wellness”

Give the Gift of Self-Care to Yourself This Holiday

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Time: 1 - 3 PM

Location: The Estuary, 74 Martin Street, rear lower level

Essex, MA 01929.

Free parking in the rear

Empowering Confidence for the New Year With Today and Tamara and In The Moment Yoga & Wellness

Event Description:

This collaborative effort between Today and Tamara, Georgeane of In the Moment Yoga and Wellness bring years of experience in self care, mindfulness, and confidence coaching. As we approach the most joyful season of the year, it's easy to become swept away by the whirlwind of preparations, celebrations, and expectations. We understand how important it is to tend to our well-being during this time, so we've designed a gathering to help you navigate the hustle and bustle of the upcoming holidays while setting the stage for an inspired new year.

We firmly believe that the journey towards self-confidence and personal growth begins with taking action. This two-hour event will center on mindful practices, self-care, and energetic alignment to clarify your dreams and goals for 2024 and beyond.

In addition to simply relaxing, this gathering is an opportunity for you to take action toward self-confidence and growth. Here, you will receive the practical tools and strategies to build your confidence to manage the holiday season peacefully. Doesn't that sound like a gift to yourself?

Event Highlights:

Mindful Planning: Learn mindfulness techniques and strategies for your holiday season, reducing stress and overwhelm.

Practical Tips: Explore valuable insights and tips to help you stay grounded and present during the holidays.

Breathwork: Experience guided breathwork exercises designed to bring calm and relaxation.

Guided Imagery: Journey through guided imagery sessions to visualize your ideal holiday season and new year.

Community Connection: Connect with like-minded individuals who share your desire for a serene and purposeful holiday experience.

Light refreshments, following in the Estuary Shop.

Event Logistics:

We have limited space in our charming barn to ensure a cozy and intimate atmosphere. Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Feel free to bring a cushion for added comfort or utilize the yoga blankets provided to enhance your experience.

If you wish to lie down during the event, please note that the maximum capacity is 15 guests.

Reserve Your Spot:

Space is limited, and we anticipate this event will fill up quickly. To secure your place, get your ticket on The Estuary website. Early registration is recommended to guarantee your spot.


Individual Ticket: $65

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Sound Bath:  Full Moon Restoration & Release

Sound Bath: Full Moon Restoration & Release

Join Lauren Aloisio, The Energy Nurse for an evening of restoration and release under the potent energy of the Full Moon.

The evening begins with connecting together in community and discussing the current energy of the cosmos. Optional journal prompts will be given prior to laying down and getting cozy to receive a reiki infused sound journey.

Reiki and sound is a non-invasive energy healing practice that helps the body to heal at a cellular level, reduce stress, relieve tension, lift our mood and ease anxiety.

Participants are encouraged to bring anything to maximize their comfort laying down (think...cozy sleepover! yoga mat, blanket, pillow, eye mask ect.)

As you immerse into a soundscape of gongs, crystal bowls and more, prepare to release anything unaligned and return to a state of balance.

Past participants report feeling powerful shifts in the next lunar cycle ahead.

tickets $65

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Tablescape Arrangement Class with Luna Moss

Tablescape Arrangement Class with Luna Moss

Join Amy Sadler of Luna Moss for an elevated holiday tablescape class.

In this workshop we'll immerse ourselves in the captivating world of seasonal blooms and unique natural objects. We'll each create an arrangement to take home and display. This beautiful masterpiece will tell a story on your holiday table. We will also demonstrate ways to elevate your table using props and tips from the Luna Moss inventory.

Throughout the class, we'll cover the fundamentals of preparation, composition, care, and how to style your table that is authentic to you. The intention of this class is to have fun, connect and create something from nature; authentic to you to display at home and admire.

The class fee includes a short demo from Amy and all necessary materials, such as vases, flowers, and snips. Registration is limited, and participants of all levels are welcome. We offer a sliding scale for the class fee, providing accessibility to all individuals. Please consider selecting a fee with integrity and intention, prioritizing BIPOC, the queer community, and marginalized individuals who seek new resources.

We are thrilled to host our inaugural flower class in the Luna Circle in our Essex Studio and look forward to welcoming you.

No experience needed. All materials included & arrangement yours to take home. Warm botanical tea included.

tickets $150

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Sacred Mediumship Circle with Gurdeep

Sacred Mediumship Circle with Gurdeep

When: 11/17 6:30-8 pm

Where: In-person at the Estuary in Essex, MA

Exchange: $66

Spirit is infinite.

And your passed loved ones want you to remember that they are merely a thought away.

But how can we connect with past loved ones and receive their messages?

Through psychic and mediumistic connection to Spirit, and cultivating awareness to the many signs they show you throughout your life; this is how you keep the energy of your loved ones alive and connect with their essence, which is eternal.

Do you believe that Spirit can communicate with you?

They can and they want you to know that they are always connected to you, supporting and guiding you.

Mediumship is healing.

And you're invited to join certified Psychic Medium Gurdeep Bhogal for a heartfelt gathering of psychic mediumship. As an experienced Medium, Gurdeep will connect you with your companions and loved ones in the Spirit realms as well as sharing psychic guidance.

Working with the highest intention in the sacred space of the gathering, she brings forward guidance, evidence, and loving messages from Spirit.

If you’re new to or familiar with the Mediumistic Arts, this will be an informative and healing experience for all.

We’ll be in sacred circle for this event and you’re welcome to bring any props such as a yoga mat, bolster, blanket, etc, to feel most comfortable.

Please note that this is a group reading and not everyone is guaranteed to receive a message, although each message shared is healing for the collective, and the presence of Spirit is a memorable experience for all.

Learn more about Gurdeep at

*Each participant's psychic/intuitive/mediumship reading is subject to the client's own personal interpretation. The information provided does NOT constitute legal, psychological, medical, business, personal or financial advice. Therefore, each client receiving the consultation is responsible for his/her/their own choices and/or actions.

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Sacred Cacao Ceremony with Maggie

Sacred Cacao Ceremony with Maggie

Sacred Cacao Ceremony, Sunday, November 12, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, price $77

Maggie Battista is a storyteller, mentor, ritualist, mystic & soul voice guide.

In this two-hour Sacred Cacao Ceremony, Maggie will guide you through an experience of softness, connection, and remembrance in order to hear vital messages from your soul and allow your next best steps to surface.

During this intimate circle, we will commune with the heart of the earth, our ancestors, one another, and a ceremonial dosage of the medicine of the great grandmother, or sacred Guatemalan Cacao harvested and processed by Mayan elders. Maggie has learned how to prepare Ceremonial Cacao from the elders. In addition, you will enjoy the Ceremonial Cacao in ceramic cups made by and infused with Maggie’s Tijax energy, the sacred energy of the warrior-healer that she carries in this lifetime. It should be noted that our ceremony will take place on the Mayan sacred calendar day of 4 Tijax.

Maggie will host the ceremony as guided by her ancestors, who offered the order of the program. She will also listen closely for any real time guidance to ensure we all feel welcome to explore emotions, receive messages, and allow our individual/collective expansion. All questions will be welcome.

Come dressed comfortably for the circle and with a journal and writing instrument. The program will include cleansing, breathing, meditating, and journaling. Though the barn space will be designed for coziness, you are also welcome to bring a blanket, mat, or meditation pillow.

In certain circumstances and upon request, you’ll be offered a smaller dosage of Cacao. Please notify Maggie in advance through The Estuary if you are taking antidepressants, blood pressure medication, chemotherapy, or are pregnant. This living medicine is safe and gentle but, like anything, invites moderation.

If you wish to attend but feel called to a sliding scale rate, please reach out to Maggie at

Learn more about Maggie here:

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Wreath Workshop with Luna Moss

Wreath Workshop with Luna Moss

Join Amy Sadler of Luna Moss for a grounding Wreath class

In this workshop, we'll start with pulling our animal spirit cards and immerse ourselves into nature's gifts at hand. Amy will give a brief demonstration of the basics. Then together, we'll each create our own wreath to take home.

Throughout the class, we'll cover the fundamentals of preparation, composition, and care, Amy will help guide you when needed.

The class fee includes a brief demo and all necessary materials including a 12" grapevine base, flora materials, and wire.

Registration is limited, and participants of all levels are welcome. We offer a sliding scale for the class fee, providing accessibility to all individuals. Please consider selecting a fee with integrity and intention, prioritizing BIPOC, the queer community, and marginalized individuals who seek new resources.

We are thrilled to host our inaugural flower class in the Luna Circle in Essex MA and look forward to welcoming you.

No experience needed. All material included. Warm botanical drink or bubbles included.

tickets $125

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The Mini Prenatal Retreat with Kara Mears, CNM

The Mini Prenatal Retreat with Kara Mears, CNM

Join Certified Birth and Postpartum Doula, Certified Pre/Postnatal Yoga Instructor, and Certified Nurse Midwife, Kara Mears, for a cozy mid-day meetup of yoga, guided meditation, and light-hearted sharing in women’s wisdom at The Estuary in Essex. 

This afternoon is about self-care. Whether you’re planning an unmedicated birth or a scheduled cesarean, are newly pregnant or are expecting Baby to arrive any day, you’ll leave feeling grounded and rejuvenated. 

Price includes a bountiful harvest platter, herbal teas, and a slightly sweet treat. Individuals in any trimester are welcome, including the fourth trimester (the first 3-4 months postpartum) and those wishing to conceive.

No experience needed! Bring a yoga mat.

Ticket: $111

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Welcoming the Apple Harvest:  A Children's Puppetry & Craft Experience with Lana Ivy

Welcoming the Apple Harvest: A Children's Puppetry & Craft Experience with Lana Ivy

Join Lana Ivy in welcoming the apple harvest! In this child-and-family workshop, we'll explore the magic and wonder of the autumn season through song, puppetry, and a special wet-felted apple craft. Using hand-crafted wool puppets, Lana will present a beautiful puppet show of an autumn tale called "The Apple Mouse," in which a little mousekin must find a safe and cozy home for the long winter ahead. We'll conclude the workshop with a child-friendly craft, using soft, naturally dyed merino wool to wet-felt an apple.

This workshop is appropriate for children within the ages of 3 1/2 -7 years old. 

Ticket Price Includes ONE CHILD + ONE ADULT ONLY due to space.


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WOMENS CIRCLE-  Maggie Battista:  Storyteller, Mentor, Ritualist, Mystic & Soul Voice Guide.

WOMENS CIRCLE- Maggie Battista: Storyteller, Mentor, Ritualist, Mystic & Soul Voice Guide.

Maggie Battista is a storyteller, mentor, ritualist, mystic & soul voice guide.

In this women’s circle, Maggie will share stories on the sweetness of life and the magic that unfolds when you listen to your soul. Through many years of transformation, Maggie learned to follow her soul’s guidance (aka. the inner voice) to feel alive again, believe in the magic of life, discover her purpose, and embody her dreams.

Maggie will share how her soul and life’s synchronicities guided her to move to the sea, to reconnect with her Mayan lineage and the sacred calendar, and to offer Ceremonial Cacao, a sacred plant medicine that fosters a loving sensation in the body. She will also speak about her first Sacred Cacao Ceremony at The Estuary in November, a two-hour session to help you center love, abundance, adventure, ease, coherence, self-trust, and magic.

This circle is perfect for those wishing to trust their inner voice. Please bring all of your questions; Maggie will share guidance to bolster your intuition and self-trust.

If you'd like to discuss Maggie's Soul Mentorship Program, she will happily stay around longer to discuss that one on one.

Learn more about Maggie here:

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* Workshops are non-refundable past 24 hours notice due to being able to accommodate our waitlist in a timely fashion as well as giving the host time to plan.  Prior to 48 hours notice a 30-40% (depending on host) credit for future workshops will be given